Coming soon…

July 14, 2009

Hi all! I know my faithful readers will not be shocked to learn that this blog is going to be taking yet another new direction! Thanks for sticking with me so far. Our plans have been changing a lot lately – mainly, I’m likely not going to be in school full time this fall. We’re going to be staying in Birmingham for a little while longer. I’ll probably begin Denver’s counseling program online – taking what I can before we’re able to move out there in a few years. Still, I’ll only be able to take one or two classes. What will I do with the rest of my time you ask? Well, I’m working part-time at Wellspring Christian Clinic – not a lot of money or hours but it is good experience. I’m also going to be interning at SEBC focusing on the RAs and girls dorm. I’m excited about this although there are moments where I wonder if I shouldn’t be going back to SEBC so soon. It’s probably just my own insecurity – that people will think I haven’t moved on. Anyhow, I think that’s going to be a really great experience.

Last but not least – I have been and will continue to do a lot of painting. I’m working on getting enough items together to go ahead and open up my own Etsy shop. I’m pretty excited about it. The shop is going to feature things like monsters, cupcakes, vegetables, nesting dolls…a lot of silly and fun things that I love to paint. I’m hoping to incorporate all that into this blog. Updates on what I’m working on, how the shop is going, and also how life is going. I’m quite the procrastinator so I’ve had James withhold the clothing budget until I finally list everything on my store. I’ve still got a ways to go but I’m much more motivated. I hope you enjoy!